My creative process is one of constant experimentation, a dance between intuition and intention. Each piece is an invitation to contemplate the beauty in the unexpected.
Tag Archives: nyx
Imagelate night television
I want to speak to sexuality in secluded places, tiny rooms and dark parks, rough conversations about misinterpretation and emotion. I want you to think the thought, of a tiny flicker, of individual humanity that can exist at the interface of imagination. I saw two girls touching each other on late night television, seemingly enjoying the experience, which I suppose aroused an adolescent reaction in me. But there was no replay in those days so I just let it be a moving event, but that moment in time still bleeds through the layers which have piled on top of it. There is a fascinating clarity to the lack of immediate understanding, by the replacement of thoughts with feelings. A solitary experience viewed, remembered. Sitting in a dark room with a flicker of light wondering if anyone was thinking the same thing as I was, feeling the same way I felt.
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Tagged 2017, art school, late night television, nyx, screen-print
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Tagged 2016, dirt transfer, nyx, poetry, silk screen, urban logic
what was my room
Submissive mirror
Silence evaporates like puddles
Clay left until it cracks
Pointless to stay
Strange to walk away
Who am I to say regret exists
There are tears in all our eyes
3 wheeled bicycle
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Posted in Alcove, All posts, Nyx and Wren
Summer days
summer days milling about
the alleys and backyards that
stretch on like a secret maze
always changing
never the same
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Posted in Double Exposure, Montreal, Nyx and Wren
Tagged 2014, 35mm black and white, montreal alley, nyx, on going projects, summer, wren
boat hulls
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Posted in Alcove, All posts, Double Exposure
locker life
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Posted in Montreal
Tagged 10 dollars well spent, 2014, locker life, montreal, nyx, school
just remember
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December 21, 2012 in All posts, Montreal
Tagged 35mm, amy vaillancourt, montreal, nyx, rats
wood. you.
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Posted in All posts, Double Exposure, Montreal
Tagged 35mm, alley, amy vaillancourt, montreal, nyx
garage doors
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November 26, 2012 in All posts, Double Exposure, Montreal, Nyx and Wren
Tagged 35mm. 2012. double exposure, doors, montreal alley, nyx, wren
the flash is back
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Tagged 35mm black and white, darryl singh, fisheye lense, montreal. Listpoem, nyx, teg
pool closed
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August 30, 2012 in All posts, Montreal
Tagged 2012, 35mm, amy vaillancourt, fences, mountain pool, nyx, wren
ice cold
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new shapes
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Posted in All posts, Montreal, Nyx and Wren
Tagged 35mm, amy vaillancourt, double exposure, griffon town, holga, nyx
car sandwiches
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Posted in All posts, Double Exposure
Tagged 35mm, amy vaillancourt, cars, double exposure, holga camera, nyx, scrap yard
end of the line
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Tagged 35mm. 2011, alove, boat, house, Jessica Fahey, nyx, river