i’ve been home for a few days now, and scouring the old computers for something to post. something appropriate has been hard to find. if i didn’t come upon these, i might have resorted to posting embarrassing family photos. luckily i found a few pictures from the raft… 2007, 2008 i’m not sure but that year’s ship was a fine craft. there’s nothing like being woken up before 7am, (assuming you went to sleep) to a maniac tearing up his own front lawn, hot dogs and warm beer served for breakfast. there’s no waiting for nobody when the raft is set to sail. so starts the off-time tribal barrel beats that pound into your skull for hours as we meander down the lazy river. we navigate the rapids, anchor to the covered bridge, scream and yell to all those who have come out to catch a glimpse (of the eye sore that will probably sit in the village for two months before its burnt). the raft everybody… i wonder if she will ever sail again?